The Continent of Palador

To the south, across the `Sea of Storms’ lies the continent `Palador’. Titan’s equator cuts through the northern edge of Palador causing most of the northern third of the continent to have a tropical climate. The mid third is mostly temperate with only the southern reaches locked in snow and ice.
The continent consists of steaming jungles, vast deserts and towering mountains. The people have equally diverse cultures and races. This is a land of dark skinned humans, large populations of Goblins and Hob-Goblins and Lizardmen.

In the west are the nations of `Ilshar’, an ancient land with enormous cities and jeweled palaces. In the middle are the nomads of `Yttral’, superb horsemen who thunder across the plains north of the desert in hordes numbering in the hundreds of thousands. To the east are the Mountains of Fear, incredibly high peaks where no man dare climb, and these are but the foot hills to the Dharmalks, `Pillars of the Sky’.

Solistan Colonies

Several of the dominant powers in Solista have established power bases in parts of Palador. These colonies, mostly strings of fortified towns and allied city states, are trading partners, military allies and largely reflections of the founding ruler’s egos. The principal players in this are; Kintalia, Alvania, Wescon and Lutha.
The strength of these colonies, even if they were all united, pales in comparison to Palador’s dominant power.

Empire of Ilshar

Consists of seven subject nations plus Tarpia on Solista. Ilshar lies on the west of Palador, along the coast of the Sea of Storms.
At one time encompassing the Caliph of Balaghad, the current Empire took shape two hundred and eighty five years ago under the Emperor AzShoss ‘The Great.’ The current ruler is Salizar VII.
The Empire of Ilshar and the Caliphate of Trusk share a common religion, a monotheistic faith oriented around a multifaceted and almost contradictory deity known as ‘Bala’ A masculine personification of strength, might, and uncompromising righteousness who is a stern law giver, yet merciful and fair. In the holy city of Balaghad (One time capital of the Empire’s predecessor) is the Temple of Law where the Golden tablet is kept.

The Empire of Ilshar is the largest military power on Titan. It is the most culturally and technologically advanced (human) nation and is considered the center of arts and the Arcane sciences. The Emperor has ambassadors in most of the courts throughout Solista and Palador and Ilshar merchants show up almost everywhere.

Caliphate of Trusk
Sharing a similar culture and the core elements of a common faith with Ilshar, the Caliphate is none the less hostile to the Empire. The Empire of Ilshar is composed primarily of descendants of Jhidda while the Caliphate is composed of descendants of Truel. The Caliphate lies to the east of Ilshar, on the peninsula that divides the Sea of Storms from the South Sea.

Regions of Palador

These have no real ruler, or the rulers are too localized to be of importance in the grand scheme.

Yttral, dominated by savanna and endless seas of grass. The principal inhabitants are nomadic herders famed for their horsemanship and mounted archery. The Empire of Ilshar (and the Caliphate of Trusk) recruit legions of light cavalry from this area and rounds up the herds of wild cattle and horses that roam the grass.

Katraal, fever ridden jungles are the home savage tribes of humans, humanoids and other less common races. Hardwoods, spices, drugs and arcane ingredients are the principle product of these trackless jungles. The jungles rise up the western slopes of the Mountains of Fear. In the valleys of these mountains and along the western slopes are found jungles where the air is thick and hot with steam and the lush scents of many strange plants. Steam and other strange gases, some of which kill or drive men mad, rises up from fissures and vents in the ground, and the earth itself is never really at peace. The land of Katraal is peopled by many strange tribes, many are fiercely independent and highly aggressive towards intruders and trespassers and have strange beliefs and practices, though none are stranger than the Veasoothatal, the pygmy wizards of the Mountains of Fear. They are said to be steeped in magic from birth, any child that has not the talent is killed, sacrificed to the strange mountain gods that rule the wizards. All of the Veasoothatal are wizards and they are instantly recognized by their size, three to four feet being average, and the complex network of scars and tattoos that cover their bodies.

Mountains of Fear. These peaks are rugged and nearly unclimbable though they are but the foot hills to the even greater Dharmalks. The high peaks of the Mountains of Fear are home to light skinned humans (rare in Palador) who are remarkably tall and strong, but also primitive in technology and xenophobically reclusive and secretive.  They are called the ‘Togoth’ and the weapons they produce are well crafted, stone tipped arrows and spears.

The Dharmalks the` ‘Pillars of the Sky.’ It is said that these climb so high that a man can no longer breath and will die long before reaching the peak. Still, there are inhabitants, both on the slopes and deep inside. Human and humanoids can be found here.  Primarily Goblins, Haeb-Goblins, Buge-Bear and humans related to the Togoth tribes.

The Zamoran Desert. Lying in the shadow of the Dharmalks, extending north and east to the borders of Trusk and the beaches of the South Sea. The Zamoran Desert is a true ‘hell on earth.’ Hot and arid in the north, cold and arid in the south. A sea of sand with mountainous dunes and only scattered oasis. Except in the fertile valley of the sacred river Kho.
The river is home to the oldest (human) civilization on Titan, the ancient desert Empire of Zamora and the five sacred cities that form the empire. These are Zamora, Khopi, Nesh, Ilith and Sumea. The rulers of Zamora are Divine Priest Kings and mighty Sorcerers who become Gods at death. Zamora has existed, virtually unchanged (to outsiders) for at least 5,000 years. At one time it was the center of a vast empire that covered most of what is now Trusk. Today,  it is a shadow of its former power.

Goblin Cities.  There are three walled Goblin Cities in Palador.  They are ‘city states’ and independent of any of the human kingdoms, Caliphates or Empires.  The largest, ‘Traset’, is a walled city of about fifteen to twenty thousand inhabitants. The population is mostly Goblins (60%) and Haeb-Goblins (25%) with some humans (15%) The bulk of the human population are slaves.
The other two Goblin Cities, ‘Drapht’ and ‘Julik’ are each about half the size of Traset, are fortified but not as heavily as Traset.
All three are ruled by Goblin Kings, called ‘Kral’ (Goblin for King.) Additionally the King of Trask is sometimes called ‘Kral-Duge’ (Duge being ‘Great’.)
There are, reportedly, underground Goblin cities in the Dharmalk mountains that are much, much larger. However their names and locations are secret from the general human population of Palador.