Solistan History

Recent Solistan History:

In the last century there have been three large conflicts of note.

The Migration Wars

This was, and is, a series of battles and protracted border skirmishes between the “Civilized” Kingdoms of the south and west and migrating Barbarian hordes.

These migrations began over a century ago and are still continuing. They occur in waves, about once every decade. So far they have been stopped, turned back or deflected by means of hard fighting, diplomacy, bribery and deception. There have been four great battles, and countless small ones. The big four are:

Actra: Occurred seventy-five years ago. Over a hundred and fifty thousand soldiers clashed and thirty thousand barbarians were killed or captured.

White Plains: Occurred forty-five years ago. A hundred and seventy thousand men met on the field. Fifteen thousand barbarians died.

Three Rivers: Occurred thirty-five years ago. A hundred twenty thousand men engaged. Twenty thousand barbarian casualties.

Palmyra: Occurred fifteen years ago. Two hundred and forty thousand men with thirty five thousand Barbarians killed.


The War of the Kintalia Succession

The second major war is known as the “War of the Kintalia Succession”

This began sixty years ago and lasted five years. It started when the then ruling family of Kintalia, the Loomsal Dynasty, died out in a virulent plague that swept Kintalia and the neighboring regions.. The closest remaining bloodlines were the Gasparn family and the Maccao family. The Maccao’s were related to, and supported by the Sauders (Alvania) while the Gasparn’s were related to both the Migalos (Wescon) and Rubinroth (Lutha) families.

The resulting war was the first large, multi-nation war in Solista’s history. Kintalia was the primary battle ground, with conflict spilling over into the surrounding kingdoms and the colonies. Kintalians fought on both sides.

Alvania was supported by Baltar and eleven other states. Against then was Lutha, Wescon and fourteen other nations. After five years of hard fighting the Lutha/Wescon alliance was victorious and now Kintalia is ruled by the Gasperns.


The Korrilean Wars

The last, and most recent of the great wars is known as the Korrilean Wars. They began thirty years ago and only ended on the battlefield of Palmyra, fifteen years ago.

Kalvin Korrilean, a commoner and professional soldier overthrew the Migalia’s of Wescon in a short but bloody revolution after the then King, Alvos IV had presided over twenty years of the most corrupt and decadent court in all the Kingdoms. This coming on top of the reign of Alvos III, who was, if possible, even worse.

The revolution in Wescon killed thousands of nobles, wiping out entire families before Korrilean got the mobs under control. After arresting or assassinating the radical leaders of the mobs, Korrilean was able to redirect the revolutionary zeal outwards, organizing enormous ‘People’s Armies of Liberation’ to free the surrounding nations of the curse of the Nobility.

This threat did not go unchallenged. The resulting wars lasted fifteen years, washed over virtually every nation in Solista and changed the political and cultural landscape forever.

Korrilean conquered fifteen of the lessor nations, ruling them as Emperor, and he occupied and controlled most, if not all of the major kingdoms at one time or another. After destroying or driving out much of the Old Nobility in Wescon and elsewhere, Korrilean en-nobled many of his loyal followers, creating new rulers, many of whom are in power still.

Korrilean’s empire ended at Palmyra. A new wave of the Migration Wars had brought a truce to the infighting among the civilized nations and united them to face the common threat. The Emperor Korrilean, acknowledged, even by his foes, as the greatest general to ever command an army, led the combined forces in a campaign that culminated at Palmyra. The results led to a great victory. A hundred thousand Allied troops defeated a barbarian horde of at least a hundred and forty thousand. It was at the end of the day that Korrilean fell.

….The sixth and final charge was the largest cavalry charge in the history of Solista, 40,000 horseman, both light and heavy, slammed into the already wavering horde of barbarians out of Gallenna. Korrilean was at the very front, General Albatar was to his left, King Rubinroth of Lutha to his right. Behind them were the standard bearers for the Emperor and for the King. Into the arrow storm they charged, sabers drawn, lances lowered. Just a second or so before contact Korrilean was struck by an arrow that found a chink in his armor. He never hesitated, slamming into the foe, saber rising and falling, screaming his war cry “Koy!” Suddenly he went down. Instantly the barbarians surged forward while a group of knights hurled themselves into their path. Sandahl and the King both turned to block the enemy, the standard bearer reined in and dismounted as did General Albatar. He held the dying ruler while the youth gave him water and a dozen courtiers and nobles gathered around to mourn. Despite legend to the contrary Korrilean never spoke before he died, merely sighed and then was gone. The battle raged on for several more hours but the Gallennan were doomed, broken by that last charge. The pincer movement planned by Korrilean, netted 25,000 dead barbarians, another ten thousand or so were killed in the mop up, bringing the total to 35,000 killed. A loss they are only now recovering from.

Korrilean’s children were too young to assume the throne, his generals too divided. In the end the Old regimes reasserted themselves and old borders were restored. The Migalas again rule Wescon, Alvos V sits on the throne and is a more conscientious King than either his father or grandfather ever were. Many Korrilean nobles still hold their titles, part of the concessions made by the Old regimes to regain their thrones. Other Korrilean innovations have remained as well.

Korrilean introduced;

Improved roads: A network of engineered roads with stone bridges and paved surfaces now crisscross most of central Solista.

Uniformed weights and measures: Prior to Korrilean’s decree every nation had its own pound, ounce, gallon etc. Now all of Solista (Most of it anyway.) Uses ‘Korrilean Standard.’

Uniform currency standards: Though the various nations still use their own names and designs, the weight and purity of comparable coins are now set. (Though some rulers have shown recent signs of tampering with the standards.)

Improved peasant and Serf rights: Some of the reforms were… Nobles may no longer sell serfs. They may not sell land out from under peasants without compensation. Serfs now have the right to a trial rather than be subject to Lord’s Privilege. Serfs may no longer be killed with impunity, a wergild must be paid.

Limits on Royal powers: This is mostly in the form of taxation and confiscation without due process and/or compensation.

Public Schools: Mostly in Wescon and a few of the smaller nations. Attendance is not totally free (though tuition is cheap) nor is it compulsory.

New school of military tactics and strategy: Korrilean was the greatest general ever, and his battles are avidly studied by every competent military leader. This has brought about significant changes in the way war is waged.