The exact origin of Halflings on Titan is a matter of debate among scholars. Some advocating the idea that they are some byproduct of inter species breeding, Human/Dwarf or Elvin/Dwarf, or even an early Human sub species, while others feel they are a unique race of their own that was simply overlooked by the Ancient Elves and Dwarves until comparatively recent times (the last 10,000 or so years.) Whatever their origin they are not particularly numerous and hold no territory or kingdoms of their own, instead making their homes along side Human, Dwarven or Elvin populations. Halflings are most common in Solista, and are very rare in Pallador.
Although much shorter and smaller then a human, heights range from 2.5′ to 3.5′ and weight from 45 to 90 pounds, their overall appearance and coloration is very human like. So much so that they can often pass for human children.
There are two primary variations of Halfling, those known as ‘Tallfellows’ and those referred to as ‘Stouts.’ Genetically speaking they can and do interbreed and aside from some slight differences in height and Infravision, there is little to distinguish them to an outside observer.
Tallfellows are on the tall side for halflings, usually maxing out around three and a half feet, give or take an inch, and DO NOT possess Infravision ability. Customarily and traditionally, Tallfellow families and populations have ties to the Elves, especially the Wood Elves and it is common for most Tallfellows to at least speak Shahla Elvish if not High Elvish in addition to the ‘Common’ language of the area. Educated Tallfellows will generally be able to read and write their Elvish tongue.
Stouts tend to be the shorter version of Halflings, and are what most people picture in their minds when Halflings are brought up. Stouts commonly run two and a half feet, plus or minus a few inches in height. Stouts DO possess Infravision and customarily and traditionally, Stout families and populations have ties to the Dwarves and usually can speak (at least) A-Rhuk, Dwarvish. The better educated can read and write it as well, in addition to the ‘Common’ language of the area.
Halflings of mixed blood fall midway between Stouts and Tallfellows on height, three feet, give or take an inch or so is common. They do have Infravision, though not to the degree of a pure blood Stout. And it is common for them to speak both Shahla and A-Rhuk as well as the common language of the area. In general, all halflinhs use the language of their closest human neighbors.
Scholars have noted that Halflings are unable to interbreed with other species.

Generally speaking, Halflings of all kinds get along comfortably with Elves and Dwarves, but there is a lingering suspicion concerning humans, even though many Halflings live and work alongside humans and in human towns and cities. This comes from a history of some humans exploiting, sometimes enslaving, Halflings to take advantage of their size and appearance for profit and other reasons.
Although it has become a humorous stereotype, it is none the less true. ALL Halflings love food! The love to eat and they almost all love to cook. Halfling Chefs and Bakers are renowned across the land and anyone with wealth generally has at least one in their employ.
Additionally, all Halflings, even those that make their livings in trades and industry, seem to have an innate connection to growing things. Whether it is a halfling farmer’s fields, a villager’s garden or a an indoor houseplant, plants seem to do well under a Halfling’s care. Gardens and farms tended exclusively by Halflings routinely produce 30 to 50 percent more produce then one tended by humans or even Elves. Gardens and farms that are supervised by a Halfling in charge, though the work may be done by others, will show an increase yield of 10 to 20 percent. (These increases apply to plants not livestock.) It is worth noting that Halflings are almost universally followers of Druidism.
This connection to their fields and gardens is often reflected by the fact that many Healers are Halflings, maintaining their own stocks of herbs and roots needed for healing.
in addition to agriculture, many Halflings seem to have a knack for wood carving and furniture making. Furniture, cabinets, fine carpentry and wood carving is their strength. Though they are quite capable of building a house, that level of carpentry is not where they excel.
Though the vast majority of halflings are farmers or ordinary craftfolk, cobblers, bakers, tailors and such, there is a noted group of related Halfling families, all Tallfellows, who through multi generational connections with a Grey Elf Wizard named Gaffarro became the, almost unique, book publishers of Solista. The wizard in question engaged a family of halflings, the Glenns, to print and bind books for him as part of a massive research project he was engaged in. Though Gaffarro passed away about a century ago, several of his apprentices have carried on with his work and other Sages, Priests and Magic users have used the family to publish their own works. Today the Glenns Book Binders are located in three cities in Solista and are known for buying and selling, repairing and restoring and printing and binding books.